can older children be included in newborn portraits

newborn swaddled in white blanket being kissed on the head by his older sister

Older Siblings are always welcome

Parents often ask if it’s ok to bring older siblings to their newborn session and my answer is always an enthusiastic yes! Sometimes during those earliest portraits you can actually see sibling bonding begin!

I make older siblings feel special

It can be challenging on older children when a new baby joins the family so I work hard to make them feel included. I always take a “big brother” or “big sister” portrait of each older sibling, all by themselves, so they feel super special and they’ll always have a record of what they looked like when their family grew to include their new baby.

Keeping baby safe comes first

My top priority when photographing toddlers with newborns is making sure everyone is safe. My studio set-up allows parents to be within arms reach of the baby so they can help out if needed. Most toddlers have a hard time holding a newborn so I position them in such a way that holding isn’t necessary and everyone looks natural and comfortable. Simply sitting a toddler behind the newborn encourages them to give kisses and gentle touches which makes for gorgeous portraits.

Taking breaks and having fun

Sibling portraits during a newborn session should be fun and never forced—sometimes an older brother or sister starts out great then gets tired and needs a rest. That’s fine with me. Sometimes they need some down time before they want to be included. I get it. I have plenty of toys in the studios for older siblings to play with, even little chairs so they can sit nearby and watch. Usually just having some alone time, or a hug from mom and dad, is all they need before getting curious enough to be part of the session.

Leave the worrying to me

I’ve photographed hundreds of newborns with older siblings and I’ve learned that to get the best portraits we have to take it slow and make it enjoyable for everyone. Come relaxed and ready to have a wonderful session with your newly grown family and I’ll do all the rest.